A free following tool for Twitter

Recently, I’ve been looking for a good, free Twitter following tool to replace Tweepi. I love Tweepi and use it regularly for a couple of my own accounts. The problem with Tweepi for myself as a social media manager is you can’t just log in with Twitter – you have to register an account which includes an email address. When you manage over ten Twitter accounts for yourself and clients yet only have two or three active email accounts yourself it becomes a bit of a faff. You see Tweepi only lets you use an email address for one Twitter account and now I’ve run out.
Today I did a bit of Googling and found Follower Filter. It is a free, limited tool, but so far seems to fit the bill.
It is at http://followerfilter.com/
Here are the main features
- Allows you to log in with Twitter only (win!)
- Shows you a list of people who you follow who don’t follow back. You can sort this list into order of when they last tweeted, how many followers they have, and more, which is very useful.
- You can unfollow people with a single click. You can also block them.
- You can see who you’ve blocked in the past and unblock them if you feel like it.
- You can protect an account to stop you accidentally unfollowing it.
So far it seems pretty accurate, and works quite well.
The only downside is on the free account you’re limited to 100 unfollows per day per account.
To get around this, I shall just set myself a reminder to go in a couple of times a week and sort out each of my clients accounts in turn. I haven’t yet found the limit of how many accounts you can log in to per day, but unless it uses IP address to do this, it probably will never know.
That’s my recommendation this week for managing your Twitter accounts better.
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