Social Media: Feel the fear and do it anyway

Here is the Powerpoint presentation which accompanies a talk I gave on the 25th November at a meeting of #Creative1Hull, a creative industry networking organisation in Hull.
I was asked to talk about social media and how it can help those working in the creative industries. Not knowing anyone coming to the meeting or how much they already knew about social media, or if any of them are actually using it, I decided to use it as a kick up the bottom for those who were, for whatever reason, fearful of venturing into the social media world.
Here is the presentation for those who attended the talk. Sadly/happily, my verbal waffle isn’t on it. Any questions about it, please get in touch.
If you would rather download the file, please click here >> Social Media For Business
If you would like to get your business promoted on social media, I can help you. I offer ongoing management packages, telephone or in-person consultation, kickstarter packages, and one-on-one or small group training sessions. Please email me for more info.
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