Social media

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So you want to be a social media manager?

how to be a social media manager

If you’re looking to be a social media manager, whether freelance or employed, then there are things you can do which can help you on your chosen career path. Although there are some official accredited courses you can do which will prove your credentials, the industry is still developing and the choice of courses is still fairly slim.

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Who should look after your company’s social media?

Social media for business

So, you’ve made the decision that your company should get on the social media bandwagon. You’ve even decided which networks you think would be best for reaching your target market. You may even have an idea of the sort of content you’d like to share. That’s fantastic. Welcome aboard!

Quick question – who in your company is going to be responsible for looking after your company’s social media presence?

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What is Instagram?

What is Instagram

At a recent presentation about using social media for business, I ran down a list of the most popular social media networks in the UK. Unsurprisingly, the success story of the last couple of years Instagram, came in third behind Facebook and YouTube.

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Social Media: Feel the fear and do it anyway

Social Media Feel the Fear and do it anyway

Here is the Powerpoint presentation which accompanies a talk I gave on the 25th November at a meeting of #Creative1Hull, a creative industry networking organisation in Hull.

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Why you should stop worrying about social media ‘success’

Social media ROI

When paying someone to look after social media activity for a business, either in-house or on a freelance basis, you will want to see a good ROI. You will want to see that your investment in social media is proving to be a success for your company.

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eBook! – How to Make a Living from your Social Media Skills

How to make a living from your social media skills

I am proud to announce the launch of my first eBook – How to Make a Living from your Social Media Skills.

It is exclusive to Amazon Kindle until at least 2016, and is available in the UK for £2.99.

Be sure to check out the five-day free period from Saturday 3rd October, and if you do manage to bag yourself a free copy and enjoy the book, please could you be so lovely as to rate it on Amazon?

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How to… a Twitter Party

How to host a Twitter party

Ever seen a Twitter party and thought about doing your own?

Recently, I wrote an article on LinkedIN about how to go about hosting one, how to get tweeps to join in, and how much work is actually involved.

You can read it at How to Host a Terrific Twitter Party

Why not connect with me while you’re over there?


Getting your business set up on social media

Getting your business on social media


It can be overwhelming trying to get on all social media networks at once for business, and I’ve learned from painful experience that there is a merit in setting them up in a certain order. You see, you can use log-in information from one social network to sign-up for another, meaning you don’t have dozens of different passwords to remember.

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